Upcoming Webinars

Onboarding For Success

Date: May 28, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Speaker: Bobbi Kloss
Speaker Title: Director of HCM, BAN
Password: n/a
Take your onboarding beyond paper collection! Engage your employees with the mission, its leaders, the team, and customer success for long-term retention.  Join Bobbi Kloss to learn how. Approved for credit from HRCI and SHRM REGISTER... [Read More]

BAN Canada: The Mediation and Termination Process

Date: June 18, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Speaker: Darcy Michaud
Speaker Title: Vice President of HR Services, HR Covered
Password: n/a
If you feel resolving workplace conflicts or managing terminations is stressful and challenging, you’re not alone. Our much-anticipated event, “Webinar and Q&A: Mediation and Terminations,” has already attracted hundreds of registrations from business owners, HR professionals, and nonprofit leaders, and we think you should not miss it! Join Darcy Michaud, VP of HR Services at ... [Read More]

How to Survive a DOL Health Plan Audit

Date: July 9, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Speaker: Stacy H. Barrow, Esq.
Speaker Title: Compliance and Legal Director
Password: n/a
During this informative webinar, Stacy H. Barrow, Esq., BAN’s Director of Compliance, provides an overview of the process when the DOL decides to audit or investigate an employer’s plan for compliance with ERISA and other Federal laws governing group health plans.  Attendees will understand what the DOL looks for during an audit, how to best ... [Read More]

Maintaining Compliance - Employee Retention

Date: August 20, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Speaker: Bobbi Kloss
Speaker Title: Director of HCM
Password: n/a
Do you have the right person in the right seat?  Are your compensation plan, company policies, and performance management procedures equitable?  Join Bobbi Kloss to find out, and to find out how to maintain fairness moving forward. Approved for credit from HRCI and SHRM Register... [Read More]

Hot Topics in Employer Stop Loss

Date: August 27, 2025 at 2:00 AM
Speaker: John Marshall
Speaker Title: Principal, Claros Analytics
Password: n/a
Join John Marshall as he continues discussions on the following topics: • Impact of Covid on mortality and morbidity; • Medical Trends for the general economy; • Medical Trends for Long Covid; • Impact of Mental Health Parity on stop loss; • Specialty Drugs Trends; • Impact of Cell & Gene Therapy on stop loss; ... [Read More]