With the tight labor market and new generations in the workforce, the C-suite should be asking what they can do to remain relevant.

Written by Perry Braun, Executive Director of Benefit Advisors Network, and Bobbi Kloss, Director of Human Capital Management Services. BenefitsPro.com, February 11th, 2019.

Life happens. Things happen every day that we rarely give a second thought to as we go about our daily routines.

High impact life events are another story. Not only do they disrupt our daily routine, but they can stop us dead in our tracks and affect every aspect of our lives: physically, emotionally, financially and even socially. Even planning for an expected event can seem to be overwhelming and disruptive.

Holistic Wellness – High Impact Life Events

When a high impact life event happens to an employee, the effects can ripple throughout the workplace. The distractions of the event can cause performance issues, absenteeism and presenteeism. Supervisors and HR traditionally have dealt with these issues through corrective actions, up to and including termination of employment. But changing workforce dynamics show us why employers need… [Read More]