BAN Blog

Final Rule Released – U. S. Department of Labor

By Bobbi Kloss, BAN Director of Human Capital Management - September 25, 2019

White-Collar Exemption and Overtime Reporting that 1.3 million workers will now become eligible for overtime pay, the Department of Labor (DOL) has released its final rule to update the exemption requirements of the Executive, Administrative and Professional Employee (EAP) as well as Highly Compensation Executive (HCE) classifications. After overcoming many hurdles, injunction enjoined and invalidation, [Read More]

Is the Worksite Disrupting our Employees’ Emotional Wellbeing?

By Bobbi Kloss, BAN Director of Human Capital Management - August 30, 2019

Written by Bobbi Kloss, Director of Human Capital Management Services, Benefit Advisors Network. Published in the August/September issues of Los Angeles Advertising Human Resources Professionals and Entertainment Human Resources Network. Mindfulness, employee engagement, employer of choice and holistic wellness are all relatively new adjectives being used to describe a 21st Century workplace culture. An employer [Read More]

The 10th Amendment’s Impact on Employee Benefits Today

By Perry Braun - July 12, 2019

Written by Perry Braun, Executive Director, Benefit Advisors Network. Published July 11, 2019 on Maybe, over the next few years, states will have more influence over how your world works. Remember that civics class you had to take in high school? If so, you might recall that the federal government possesses only those powers [Read More]

Workplace Violence

By Bobbi Kloss, BAN Director of Human Capital Management - June 27, 2019

It is not uncommon now to turn on the TV, read online, or receive an alert on a mobile device describing another mass shooting at a place of employment. Just recently, 12 lost their lives at a municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. With the continuing escalation of mass homicidal workplace incidents, employers are turning [Read More]

Dress Codes: Designing, Implementing, and Enforcing.

By Bobbi Kloss, BAN Director of Human Capital Management - May 2, 2019

There was a time, and still suggested today, when it was advised to dress for the position you wanted, not the one you were in. Dress codes were and still are about empowerment―but the question is, whose empowerment? Traditionally, dress code policies were designed to set white collar apart from the blue-collar worker, the executive [Read More]

Stop Misuse of Family Benefits

Written by Stephen Miller, CEBS, including comments from Bobbi Kloss, Benefit Advisors Network Director of Human Capital Management Services. Published on, March 27, 2019. Some workers intentionally abuse family-perk policies, while others are just confused. United Airlines fired more than 35 employees in March for selling travel passes intended for employees’ immediate relatives. Free [Read More]

Employee Benefit Plan Review

By Perry Braun - March 4, 2019

Written by Perry S. Braun, Benefit Advisors Network’s Executive Director. Published in Employee Benefit Plan Review, March/April 2019 issue. What Can Employer Sponsored Benefit Plans Expect from a Divided Federal Government? While much of the focus in 2018 came down to the elections, we now have those results and can begin moving forward. But, with [Read More]

An Update on the DOL’s 2016 Wage Injunction

Written by Bobbi Kloss, Director of Human Capital Management Services, Benefit Advisors Network. Published in Entertainment Human Resource Network, February 2019 edition. Silent but ever present, the Wage and Hour division of the Department of Labor (DOL) has been working its way back to updating the overtime exemptions for the Administrative, Executive and Professional exemptions [Read More]